Public Procurement & PPP

  • our clients are multinational companies competing in the public sector, state institutions and municipalities
  • we have successfully represented clients in international tenders and proceedings before the Public Procurement Office of the Slovak Republic

act legal Slovakia (formerly known as act MPH advocates) has a longstanding history specialising in comprehensive legal support throughout the public procurement process. Offering legal services to contracting authorities and other public procurers, as well as to bidders for public contracts. 

Public Procurement

  • overall assessment of tender requirements and support in the preparation of offer in public procurement
  • contract documentation drafting and control 
  • expert opinions and opinions on public procurement tasks
  • requests for correction and redress drafting
  • objections drafting 
  • checking the correctness of the procedure followed by contracting authorities and tenderers
  • registration and renewal of registration in the list of economic entities 
  • registration in the register of public sector partners

Court lawsuits and representation

  • representation in lawsuits before the regulator 
  • representation in legal proceedings arising out of public procurement
  • representation in defence of infringements of public procurement rules


  • advisory for public and private entities in the preparation and implementation of PPP projects

Why act legal Slovakia

act legal Slovakia upholds the status of a highly recommended law firm for public procurement. This assessment is carried out annually by an independent expert jury. Backed up by many years of experience in public procurement. We specialise in the competition law advice for major IT companies and telecommunications operators. 

Our Services

They will be happy to help you in this area

Partner and Attorney at law
Partner and Attorney at law
Partner and Attorney at law
Partner and Attorney at law
Partner and Attorney at law
Attorney at law

Member of the international law firm act legal
Amsterdam • Bratislava • Bucharest • Budapest • Frankfurt • Milan • Paris • Prague • Sofia • Vienna • Warsaw